I began playing with acrylic paint this weekend and started my first painting on canvas. I haven’s finished it yet, but will post an updated picture once it is done. My inspiration came from looking up simple painting ideas for acrylic paint, and I found a picture of a kitty looking at the moon and decided to do my own take on that. The three cats will be modelled after my three cats: King, Charlotte and Sadie. Initially I was feeling quite frustrated with painting because the paint was not covering the pencil marks on the canvas… and I made a couple of mistakes with where I was using the black paint. However, I reminded myself that I am doing this as my inquiry project as a way to reduce stress, and that my paintings do not need to be perfect they just need to be myself expressing myself on canvas. I did find blending the paints and seeing how different brush strokes look on paper to be very relaxing and fun.